Custom-tailored programs for your spiritual growth, healing, and self-discovery


I want to see you reclaim your power now. I want to see you in full radiance and health, creating the life of your dreams and fulfilling your purpose. I want to see you well-resourced, with a regulated nervous system, living a life you love. I want to see you connected to your heart and soul, listening to your intuition and aligned with you internal compass. I want to see you become the next best version of yourself.

This is my vision for you.

Are you ready to step into this?

What happens in a Mentorship:

My mentorship programs combine coaching techniques, depth psychology theory, spiritual practices, energy healing, and somatic work to support you in rising up into the next best version of yourself. We go deep with the archetypes of your inner world (including the child, Queen / Mother, King / Father, Wise one, and any others that make themselves known). We work with the raw material of your life, what is present and unfolding right now. We often incorporate breathwork, meditation, NLP, and energy healing, but I always tune into the subtle energy of the moment and bring forward what is in your highest good. I am trauma-informed and always strive to hold the most compassionate, permissive, secure, and safe space that I possibly can for you.

What are you looking to explore?

What are you hoping to heal?

What are you ready to step into?

Let’s explore together.

Signature Programs

There is always an option for us to create a custom Mentorship program for you, or you may want to enter into one of my signature programs.

Breath of Life

A 6-week mentorship for those who want to explore transformation and healing through the power of Breathwork.

The Oasis Within

A 3-month program for busy professionals who want to learn to connect to the place of peace, abundance, and energy within them.

Awaken Your Magic

A 3.5-month hybrid mentorship for spiritual seekers to know themselves, further develop their gifts, and create a life they love.

Let’s Chat

Jump on a discovery call with me to discuss options and explore the possibility of working together.