We, the Children of the Earth

From the depths of the dark ages
The next golden age is born

We all have something to fight for 
When you’re buried in darkness 
Look for the tiniest glimmer of light 
Hold it in your heart 
And fight

There’s nothing worse
Than waking up one day and realizing
You have no idea
Who you are 
Why you are here
How you may have wasted
Your entire life 
Up until this point

What’s the point
Of anything
Is there no point
And no point in looking for one
Is there one point
That we all must search and search to find
Or are there infinite points 
And we get to invent a new point
In each new moment

The jury’s still out on the answer
But I like life this way

Dancing in the great mystery
Making friends with the unknown 
Wondering at the stars 
And laughing with the trees
Feeling the breath in my lungs
And the wind on my skin
Living each day in the present moment

But it isn’t always easy
Especially now
In the 21st century

This great Earth
Our mother
Is on fire

She’s bleeding out black blood from deep within
Her children have forgotten
The great gift they’ve been given
To just simply live

Blinded by their desire for more
More money, more b*tches, more clothes
More attention, more possessions, more

It’s all speeding up
It’s all heating up 
We’re racing toward the destruction
Of everything we have ever known

Your anxiety 
Your depression
Your pain
Your existential crisis
Is part of something greater
A larger wake-up call
To protect the sanctity of life

So If you’re wondering who you are
Why not be this
A child of the Earth 
Who will not stand for her destruction 

If you’re looking for a point
Why not let it be this
Repairing the damage that’s been done
In any little or big way you can find

Why not start with 
Your own life
Your own backyard
Your own family
Your own neighborhood
With what’s around you and within you


You, a one-of-a-kind model
On this one-of-a-kind earth
With a one-time ticket
To live your one life here

Discover you
And then use what you find 
To fight 
For everything that you love

Because we will not go silently
As the Earth fades into oblivion
As the grasses dry out and the trees fall
As the ice caps melt and the animals go extinct
As everything dies 
And concrete, plastic, and technology rise 

We, the children of the Earth, 
Will find the strength inside of us

We, the children of the Earth, 
Will stand up and fight


Soul Dancer


The Prodigal Daughter Returns to the Garden